Local businesses/services

A number of businesses in your local community have adapted the way that they operate to ensure that you can safely use their services while you self-isolate.

Groceries, food & drink

  • Bildeston Stores: Delivery of groceries available for elderly and vulnerable persons in self-isolation. Telephone 01449 740 248 to arrange orders on the day and pay over the phone. Delivery service available during trading hours (apart from Sundays when delivery available 9-12pm). The store is also open for people to do their shopping in person, but please note for the health and safety of customers and staff, only one person can attend the Post Office and two people shopping at any one time. While waiting outside, you can use the tables in the square which are situated two metres apart. Rest assured that Bildeston Stores is sourcing meat, fresh fruit and vegetables, eggs, milk  locally and providing take-away meals, bread and fresh pasta from the Crown. They still also have their normal deliveries from Londis twice a week but are restricting certain lines to ensure that everyone can get what they need.
  • Anglia produce: Home delivery of vegetable boxes, range of fruit, dairy, frozen and veg for people self-isolating. Call 01206 233471 for information.
  • Bildeston Crown food boxes: Sale of food boxes containing fresh vegetables and fruit from Anglia produce and meat from MM butcher in Stowupland and fish from Marr Fish: call 01449 740510 07901825479 to order and pay over the phone (24 hours notice required).
  • King’s Head takeaway: Frozen meals are available to takeaway and cook at home. Telephone 01449 741434 to arrange pick-up and pay over the phone. See menu.
  • Bildeston Crown takeaway: Stocking Village Stores with curries, pies and dauphinoise potatoes. Coming soon, ragu, fresh pasta and chicken carbonara. See menu.
  • The Miller’s Kitchen: Takeaway food deliveries 10-4pm. Telephone to order. Card payments only. Call: 01473 822030
  • The Swan: takeaway food deliveries between 1-3pm. Telephone 01449 744544 and pay over the phone.
  • Big Bear Cider: Bildeston resident Emily will deliver to people in Bildeston who are in self-isolation. Call for information. https://www.thebigbearcider.co.uk/shop/
  • Cabin Brewery beer delivery: Real ale brewed in Bildeston, delivered in 5, 8 or 18 pint packages direct to you doorstep. Bildeston and surrounding villages, Call 07990 845855 or order online

Health and well-being

Household services

  • LD Plumbing and heating: 07495294534. Bildeston resident Luke can tend to broken boilers, burst pipes etc. and will maintain the 2-metre social-distancing rule when carrying out works and wears clean disposable gloves for each house visit to ensure no house-to-house virus transmission.
  • Michael Anthony Gardening and maintenance: 07539 939207. Michael has his own transport so can tend to people’s gardens without any contact. Online payments.
  • xSalt IT Bildeston: IT Services and support. Olly https://xsalt.co.uk/ Remote support and tuition, Wi-Fi and networking, PC repairs and upgrades, new PCs and setup.