
If you are considering some construction work, you have come to the right place.

The planning system helps to ensure that development takes place in the public interest, in economically-, socially- and environmentally-sustainable ways.

It has a major impact on how local neighbourhoods look, feel and function. It also has a role to play in helping to cut carbon emissions, protect the natural environment and deliver energy security.

How to apply

Information on making planning applications can be found below.

How to make an application

The local planning authority, Babergh District Council, makes decisions on local planning applications in Bildeston.  Planning applications are determined with reference to the National Planning Policy Framework and local planning policies approved for Babergh and Mid-Suffolk. When making a decision, the authority consults various parties including immediate neighbours, the Parish Council and the County Council as highway authority.

Babergh has online application systems where you can make Householder Development Applications and Discharge of Condition Applications. You can call the Planning Customer Services Team on 0300 123 4000 (selecting option 5 and then option 3) for guidance or more information.  For other planning permissions or listed building consent, you will need to use the Planning Portal or apply for planning permission in writing.

Role of the Parish Council

The Parish Council, with its close links to the community, will provide a local interpretation of a variety of criteria, policies and rules. It does not duplicate the function of the planning authority.

In giving its view to the District Council, Bildeston Parish Council decides:

a. To object to an application; or

b. Express support for an application; or

c. Register no objection.

The Parish Council will normally only express support where a positive benefit is perceived, such as a new facility for the village, or the improvement of a derelict building or area. However, councillors consider each case on its merits.

The Parish Council aims to provide before the set closing date, a quality, planning based response to all consultations received. In other words, it must base its views on material planning considerations which will have weight with the Planning Authority. It cannot simply oppose an application on non-planning grounds. The closing date is the same for all individual consultees.

The Parish Council does not know what comments have been (or will be) made by individual consultees direct to the district council, unless those individuals make their views known to the parish council.

Participation of Local Residents

Local residents who have a particular interest in a planning matter should submit their views directly to Babergh District Council.

Where individuals wish to make representations to the Parish Council, we are pleased to give them the opportunity to speak at our meeting or take written comments. While the Parish Council will take all representations into account, its role is to reflect the wider interests of the parish, rather than to automatically endorse the view of particular individuals, whether for, or against, a proposal.

Members of the public are very welcome to attend Parish Council meetings, whether to make representations, or simply see the process at work. We meet at Chamberlin Hall on the second Wednesday of every month at 7.30pm with additional meetings, advertised on the Parish notice board in the Market Place where planning deadlines dictate such meetings are required.