Service contacts

Contacts for queries on village services and amenities 

  • Allotments: Allotment gardens are located off the High Street on the northern end of the village. The land is privately owned and is leased to allotment holders on an annual basis. Contact: Mrs Pauline Squirrell (owner) – 01449 740720 for further information. The allotments are accessed via a footpath, there are no car parking facilities.
  • Chamberlin Hall (Village Hall): Chamberlin Hall is located in the centre of the village off Wattisham Road. It has a range of first class facilities for whole community, it is home to several local clubs and organisations. It is operated by a committee of “Management Trustees”. Bildeston Parish Council hold the title to the land and are “Custodian Trustees” only. Contact: . Large car park and fully accessible.
  • Coronation Playground, Wattisham Rd: This playground located in Wattisham Rd on the North East edge of village is targeted at the 11-16 age group. It consists of approx 1 acre of grass and a social seating area. The playground is directly managed by Bildeston Parish Council. Contractors are used for grounds maintenance, annual safety inspections are undertaken professionally by 3rd parties via Babergh DC. Contact: The clerk for further information.
  • Bildeston Sportsfield: Bildeston Sportsfield located in Consent Lane on North West edge of village. Its 6 acres provide both pitches for organised sports and general open space. It caters for all age groups and is home to several local sporting clubs. It is operated by a committee of “Management Trustees”. Bildeston Parish Council hold the title to the land and are “Custodian Trustees” only. Contact: Angela chapman: . Car Park on site.
  • Chamberlin Hall Playground:
  • Seating, litter bins, clocks, memorials and lighting.
  • Public seating for the benefit of parishioners and visitors is managed by the Parish Council in the following locations. Junction of High Street & Ipswich Rd, to rear of Clock Tower and in Church Road.
  • Public Lighting: There is a mix of ownership for public lighting in the village with some stock owned by The Parish, Some by Suffolk CC and a small number by Babergh DC. There is however a single agency for dealing with all faults. Contact 0845 606 6067 or visit For any other enquiry contact the clerk.
  • War Memorial: The War Memorial is a listed building located in market place is managed by the parish Council. For all enquiries contact the clerk.
  • Clocks: There is a public clock located on the tower in market Place. The clock and tower are managed by the parish Council. The Parish Council holds a specific fund from a bequest for maintenance of the clock. The Clock Tower is a Listed Building
  • Litter Bins: Litter and Dog bins are located throughout the village and are managed by the Parish Council. Bins are emptied on a regular basis by contractors employed via Babergh DC. For all enquires contact the clerk.
  • Bus shelters: There are no bespoke bus shelters in the village. However, the base of the clock tower is fitted with seats and is opened during daylight hours for use as a bus shelter.
  • Markets: There is currently an indoor market held in Chamberlin Hall but there are currently no regular markets in Bildeston Market Place. Bildeston Parish Council manages the Market Place, which accommodates the war memorial, Clock tower and bus facilities. The market place is used occasionally by village organisations for fund raising activities. Contact: The clerk for further information.
  • Public Conveniences: There are no public conveniences in the village
  • Grove Cemetery: Grove cemetery is a Public cemetery operated by the Parish Council. All documentation including the schedule of fees, conditions and application forms are available FOC from the clerk.
  • Ton Class Association Liaison – HMS Bildeston: The ship’s ensign and bell are permanently displayed in the village church, the nameplate, kindly donated by Ton Class member Bryan Player and his wife, Betty is now prominently displayed in Chamberlin Hall. David Blackburn (clerk) has information available regarding HMS Bildeston and he provides liaison with the Ton Class Association which has members all over the UK and at various locations across the world.