Village magazine

The Bildeston Bugle is a free village magazine delivered each month to Bildeston residents and local businesses. You can access online versions of the magazine from this page.

Established in 1990, the Bugle provides a one-stop-shop for news, information, events and local advertisers. It’s a forum for villagers to share concerns and celebrate the many achievements of the village.

This magazine is also a channel for the Parish Council to publish its monthly report to keep all residents fully-informed of its work and decisions.

Do you have some news that you wish to share?

We strive to maintain a balance of content and adverts and welcome contributions from anyone wishing to reach a wider audience of fellow villagers.  A small team of volunteers help with printing and distribution of this valuable news resource.

If you cannot view the PDF version of the Bugle on your device, the Editorial Comment and some other key news items are also provided in HTML format in the News section of this website. If you need any other articles in HTML format, please contact the website administrator.

Contact the Bildeston Bugle Editorial Team:

Alan Jacobs (Editor) 14 Squirrells Mill. telephone: 01449 741645
Christine Hubbard (Treasurer) 6 Manor Road 01449 740633
Tricia Baldwin (Advertising Revenue)
Angie Biddulph (Bugle Team Liaison)
Stuart Law (Assistant Editor)
Alison Sims (Marketing)

Sponsor a “Bugle”: Add a brief message on the cover of the magazine.

Advertise: Bugle Advertising Rates 1/4 page £5 (1 issue) £35 (12 issues), 1/2 page £10 (1 issue) £60 (12 issues), full page £15 (1 issue) £110 (12 issues)

If you wish to add an advert or a news item for inclusion, this needs to be sent to the editor before the 17th of the month.

The earlier items are sent the greater the chance of it being included in the next issue.

Cash, cheques or BACS payment are accepted for adverts. We are grateful for the support of our advertisers, without whom the Bugle could not be produced as a free newsletter to all residents.

The latest version of the Bildeston Bugle magazine is displayed below.

You can also view key articles in HTML format on the News Archive page.

Bugle front cover

Bugle archive:


September 2024 Download
August 2024 Download
July 2024 Download
June 2024 Download
May 2024 Download
April 2024 Download
March 2024 Download
February 2024 Download
January 2024 Download


December 2023 Download
November 2023 Download
October 2023 Download
September 2023 Download
August 2023 Download
July 2023 Download
June 2023 Download
May 2023 Download
April 2023 Download
March 2023 Download
February 2023 Download


January Bugle Download
December Bugle Download
November Bugle Download
November Bugle
October Bugle Download
October Bugle
September Bugle 2022 Download
September Bugle 2022
August Bugle 2022 Download
August Bugle 2022
July Bugle Download
July 2022 Bugle
June 2022 Bugle Download
June Bugle
May Bugle Download
April Bugle Download
April Bugle 2022
March Bugle 2022 Download
March Bugle 2022
February Bugle Download
February Bugle
Bugle January 2022 Download
Bugle January 2022


December 2021 Download
December 2021 Buglee
November Bugle Download
November Bugle
October 2021 Download
September 2021 Download
August 2021 Download
July 2021 Download
July 2021 Download
June 2021 Download
May 2021 Download
April 2021 Download
March 2021 Download
February 2021 Download
January 2021 Download


December 2020 Download
November 2020 Download
October 2020 Download
September 2020 Download
August 2020 Download
July 2020 Download
June 2020 Download
May 2020 Download
April 2020 Download
March 2020 Download
February 2020 Download
January 2020 Download


December 2019 Download
November 2019 Download
October 2019 Download
347 September 2019 Download
346 August 2019 Download
July 2019 Download
344 June 2019 Download
343 May 2019 Download
342 April 2019 Download
341 March 2019 Download
340 February 2019 Download
339 January 2019 Download


338 December 2018 Download
337 November 2018 Download
336 October 2018 Download
335 September 2018 Download
334 August 2018 Download
333 July 2018 Download
332 June 2018 Download
331 May 2018 Download
330 April 2018 Download
329 March 2018 Download
328 February 2018 Download
327 January 2018 Download


326 December 2017 Download
325 November 2017 Download
324 October 2017 Download
323 Sept 2017 Download
322 August 2017 Download
321 July 2017 Download
320 June 2017 Download
319 May 2017 Download
318 April 2017 Download
317 March 2017 Download
316 February 2017 Download
315 January 2017 Download


314 December 2016 Download
313 November 2016 Download
312 October 2016 Download
311 September 2016 Download
310 August 2016 Download
309 July 2016 Download
308 June 2016 Download
307 May 2016 Download
306 April 2016 Download
305 March 2016 Download
304 February 2016 Download
303 January 2016 Download


302 December 2015 Download
301 November 2015 Download
300 October 2015 Download
299 September 2015 Download
298 August 2015 Download
297 July 2015 Download
296 June 2015 Download
295 May 2015 Download
294 April 2015 Download
293 March 2015 Download
292 February 2015 Download
291 January 2015 Download


290 December 2014 Download
287 September 2014 Download
286 August 2014 Download
283 May 2014 Download
282 April 2014 Download
281 March 2014 Download
280 February 2014 Download


269 March 2013 Download
268 february 2013 Download
267 January 2013 Download


265 November 2012 Download
263 September 2012 Download
261 July 2012 Download
260 June 2012 Download
259 May 2012 Download
258 April 2012 Download
257 March 2012 Download
256 February 2012 Download