
Parish Council Meetings are normally held on the Second Monday of the month.

Additional meetings may be held from time to time to deal with specific items of business as the need arises.

Parish Council Meeting agendas and minutes can be found below. The list of forthcoming meetings is available on the ‘Meeting calendar’ dropdown of the Parish Council page. Find out more about public attendance at meetings below:

Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend Parish Council meetings. There is a public session within the agenda of all ordinary meetings when parishioners may raise local issues of interest or concern. Occasionally, the Parish Council may consider items of confidential business and the public may be excluded whilst such matters are discussed. Please contact the Parish Clerk to find out more.

The minutes of meetings are normally published in the Bildeston Bugle each month and listed below. In addition, the Clerk may produce a column in the Bugle to raise awareness of forthcoming events, projects and initiatives, or otherwise to circulate information that may be useful to people living in the village.

1. Members of the public are welcome to contact the Parish Clerk to request that an item is raised at a meeting and/or attend a Parish Council meeting in person (or virtually). They are welcome to speak at a meeting on any matter that affects the village.

2. The Annual Parish Meeting is a meeting for all the electors of the village and is not a Parish Council meeting.

3. Forward Planning and Priority Setting meetings are held as and when required for Members of the Parish Council only, to organise the work of the Parish Council.

You are browsing Agendas and Minutes for the year 2025

Select time period to view meetings from:
Meeting DateMeeting TitleAgendaMinutesReports
Mon 1st Dec, 2025Parish Council MeetingNA
Mon 3rd Nov, 2025Parish Council MeetingNA
Mon 6th Oct, 2025Parish Council MeetingNA
Mon 1st Sep, 2025Parish Council MeetingNA
Mon 7th Jul, 2025Parish Council MeetingNA
Mon 2nd Jun, 2025Parish Council MeetingNA
Mon 12th May, 2025Parish Council MeetingNA
Mon 7th Apr, 2025Parish Council MeetingNA
Mon 3rd Mar, 2025Parish Council MeetingNA
Mon 3rd Feb, 2025Parish Council MeetingNA
Mon 6th Jan, 2025Parish Council Meeting Download DownloadNA

Upcoming Parish Council Meetings


Older meeting documents are available in the meeting documents archive.