
Bildeston Parish Council: Parish Clerk Vacancy

Parish Clerk and responsible Financial Officer

6 Hours per week

Salary depending upon experience plus home office allowance

Bildeston is a core village in Babergh District which has a wide range of amenities, community groups, activities and events. The Parish Council is a forward-looking organisation and has developed a programme of community projects which it is seeking to deliver by 2023. It employs five part-time employees comprising the Clerk, 2 Maintenance Operatives, a Community Development Worker and Clock Winder.

The Clerk acts as Proper Officer providing advice on all legal, procedural and financial matters. You will need to be organised, resourceful and an excellent communicator to fulfil this role. The postholder will receive induction training and support however, they will need to get up to speed quickly in the role to support this active Parish Council. They should have a good standard of education and possess, or be willing to obtain, the Certificate in Local Council Administration.

The Clerk will arrange, attend and support approximately 15 meetings per year with 12 Parish Council meetings held monthly on Mondays/Wednesdays and up to 3 planning and programming meetings. They will inherit a strong set of systems and policies for conducting the affairs of the Parish Council and also a new village website which has been launched recently;

There is a good mix of new and experienced Councillors who bring a wide range of skills to their roles. This is a good Parish Council to work for and it provides a varied and rewarding role for a motivated person who enjoys working as part of an effective team.

If you are interested in the vacancy and require further information please contact: Peter Hutchings, Chair of the Parish Council email: ;

Applicants should submit a CV and supporting statement of not more than 300 words detailing their suitability for the role to David Blackburn, Parish Clerk email: ;  The closing date for applications is Monday, 27th July, 2020. Interviews will be conducted shortly afterwards with a proposed start date of 1st September, 2020.