Parish Council Vacancy

The Parish Council is made up of nine elected or co-opted members who volunteer their time for the good of the community without receiving payment for their services. Their diverse backgrounds, skills and experience are a great asset to the parish.

The role of the Parish Council is to represent the interests of the whole community, engaging with local residents, discovering the needs of different groups in the community, such as the young and elderly, and lobbying on behalf of Bildeston. The Parish Council is the tier of local government that is closest to local people.

Babergh District Council and Suffolk County Council form the other two tiers of local government that cover Bildeston. Details of their respective roles and responsibilities can be found in the Council services section of the website Parish Councillors are subject to re-election every four years unless there are the same number (or less) of Councillors to vacancies in which case those nominees will be co-opted on to the  council. All Members of the Parish Council are required to comply with a Code of Conduct in the performance of their duties. If you have any questions, or think you would like to join the Parish Council please contact the Clerk
on or 07593 584209. Angela Chapman Clerk to Bildeston Parish Council