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Easter flower day
Sunday April 17th, 2022
Easter flowers at St Mary Magdalene Church
Every year we buy lilies and other special flowers to decorate the Church for Easter Day, this year on Sunday 17th April.
Because of the high price of flowers at Easter we have a special Resurrection Book where people might like to name those they have loved and lost as they donate towards the Easter flowers. We open this book on Easter Day as we celebrate the resurrection at our service and leave it by the font for you to see. If you would like the name of someone you wish to be remembered in this way to be written in the book, please print their names on the list in the Church anytime before Wed 13th April and place donations for flowers in one of the envelopes provided on the table next to the list at the back of the church.
Place envelope in donations ‘hole in the wall’ next to the bell
tower or deliver to: Angela Rodgers at 36 High Street. Thank you.