News from Bildeston Sportsfield Committee
Thank you to all those of you who have shown an interest in the progress of the sports field and pavilion. To bring you up to date so far:
The A.G.M. should have taken place in June but will take place as soon as Government restrictions on public meetings are lifted. In the meantime, we will continue to make improvements so that the pavilion is ready to welcome bookings and events. We can take provisional bookings but obviously these will depend on the lifting of restrictions.
The Community Pay Back Team, who have done a fantastic job on bringing the hall, corridor and toilets up to scratch, are keen to continue their good work as soon as they are allowed to.
The Committee is ready to submit their application for an alcohol license, any enquires regarding this, please contact the Secretary.
Bildeston Rangers are preparing for the start of the new season and those of you who go along to the sports field will see that posts and rails have been erected around the pitch, this is a stipulation of the Football Association for the league in which the club plays. We would be grateful if you can walk on the outside of these. They have also re-seeded the goal mouths of the main pitch. Any of you familiar with this will know how difficult it is to keep these in good condition particularly on the very wet field that we have. We also know how good it is to practice in a proper goal with a net so there is now a net on the practice goal near the main car park, please use this one to perfect your goal scoring and goal saving skills.
We wish Bildeston Rangers all the best for another successful season.
It is essential that all dogs are kept on short leads and off the pitch on the area beyond the public car park, whilst we understand it is a great place to exercise your dog, please keep this to the end away from the football pitches.
Should your dog need to poo please clear it up as there is nothing worse for players, children or any of us to find ourselves stepping in it.
The final plea, please put all litter in the bins provided (one on the road at the entrance to the car park and another on the car park behind the pavilion) or take it home with you.
It has been a great place to go and exercise and just take in the freedom that we have been able to enjoy in Bildeston during these very strange times, so please look after it and continue to use and enjoy it.
If you would like more information about the Sports Field or Pavilion or would like to volunteer or become more involved please contact either of the numbers below.
Secretary 07711904515 or Bookings 07766527433 or email .
Thank you from the Sports Field Management Committee.