Calendar of Events
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S Sun
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Bildeston Garden Group
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Parish Council Meeting
Parish Council Meeting
This meeting will be held at Baptist Hall, Duke Street . Members of the public are welcome to attend; please see the agenda for more details.
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BILDESTON COMMUNITY CYCLING Why not join our monthly Saturday morning Winter Warmer series? These rides are for riders of all abilities. WINTER WARMER 4 JOIN US FOR A RIDE OF ABOUT 25 MILES, STARTING FROM THE MA. RKET PLACE AT 9.30am, ON SATURDAY 21 JANUARY CAFE STOP HALFWAY. BACK ABOUT 12.30pm. PUT IT IN THE DIARY NOW! Warm clothing recommended. The ride will be mainly on quiet lanes, at an acceptable speed (no-one left behind!). Regret no unaccompanied children under […]
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Treasure Island and Silver Long Johns
Treasure Island and the Silver long Johns Friday 27th Jan 19.00 Saturday 28th Jan 19.00 Sunday 29th Jan 14.00 Chamberlin Hall’s festive panto!!!! For tickets please contact Debbie Bailey on 07948 083769
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Social Sundays
Social Sundays
Social Sundays provide tea/ coffee, bacon rolls, cheese scones, cakes, company and chat!
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Lunch Club
Lunch Club
Lunch club runs the first Wednesday each month - please ring 07584 189356 to reserve a place
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Social Sundays
Social Sundays
Social Sundays provide tea/ coffee, bacon rolls, cheese scones, cakes, company and chat!
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- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.