Entries by Web Admin

Ed’s comment – November

It is true that trends and fashions often go round in circles. Through the 19th century right up to the 1990s, in early Autumn youngsters would stuff old clothes and make a ‘scarecrow’ dummy. It was called a ‘guy’ and it was unceremoniously dumped into a pushchair and pushed into the street where it was […]

Parish Council Vacancy

The Parish Council is made up of nine elected or co-opted members who volunteer their time for the good of the community without receiving payment for their services. Their diverse backgrounds, skills and experience are a great asset to the parish. The role of the Parish Council is to represent the interests of the whole […]

Benefice Administrator Required

Are you interested and able to facilitate to set up a Benefice website and fulfil the benefice administration in helping the coordination of the six parishes? To work alongside the incumbent to enhance communication to churchwardens, PCC’s, and the ministry team and the alleviation of appropriate administration. Initially this will be for 4 – 6 […]

Health & Wellbeing event

Hadleigh Health & Wellbeing Event, Thursday 25th November, 1pm-5pm is for residents of Hadleigh and surrounding areas, aged 50+ who would like to know more about small changes in lifestyle that can make a big change to health. Listen to a local GP on the importance of being active Find out about the Active Wellbeing […]

Bildeston’s Active Wellbeing Service

You probably know that you would benefit from being more active but do you feel able to do so? The Active Wellbeing Service is working with the staff at Bildeston Health Centre to make physical activity more accessible for you. Being active is not just about exercise classes and sport, it is a chance to […]

Grants available for purchase of learning materials

The Revd J Cohen memorial fund is available to make grants to students of Higher Education to help in the purchase of reference books to assist learning. The fund is managed by the Bildeston Parochial Church Council (PCC). This fund was set up in 1998 to help support those who live in the Parish of […]

Pastoral letter – November 2021

“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you” Philippians 1:3 It is a lovely feature when remembrance and gratitude are bound up together. In our past personal relationships, it is a remarkable thing to have nothing but happy memories. In the past twenty months many have lost loved ones whose memories will always […]

Bugle Ed’s comment – October

When deciding about what to write, I often look at the Special Days in each month. Tucked away was a reminder that Sunday 3rd October is Grandparents Day. Although it has been going since 1990 it is nowhere near as popular or even as well known as Mother’s or Father’s Day. Grandparents’ Day was established […]

Music quiz: answers

How did you get on last month? Here are all the questions again, this time with the answers. We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things. was which artist’s highest selling album because of the 2008 song ‘I’m Yours’? Jason Mraz ‘Man Eater’ and ‘Promiscuous’ were 2006 hits for which artist? Nelly Furtado After a decade […]

BNatural 2021: It’s a big thank you!

Thanks for coming everyone and for making the Festival a big success. Thanks to all the musicians who played and entertained us for two days. Thanks for all the volunteers who worked the bar, who swept the floor, who lifted bales and raised and lowered the bunting. We could not manage without you. And a […]